funny stuff
beside the fact that i h8 clock animations i thought it was good. U get a 5 for saying the answer to depression is killing your self. keep up the good work :)
funny stuff
beside the fact that i h8 clock animations i thought it was good. U get a 5 for saying the answer to depression is killing your self. keep up the good work :)
<3 thanks for the good review. yes killing yourself would be much better then being depressed or having to deal with the side effects of anti-depressants
bla bla bla...boring giberish, i rather sit down and take a dump than listen to this. The art is ok and the parrot mildly funny but thats all u get from me. u get a 2 for trying
i loved it
i thought it was really origanal. simple with good animation, with a beat u can dance to.
i dont know why i thought it was funny it just was. The animation sucked though
your a nerd
it was ok.. some thing to watch when your bored, i guess. It had that bland im trying to be funny but it really isnt working thing going for it. my guess is your'e a fat nerd
the animation kicked ass. It had a very original style, i like how none of the charictors had out lines, gave it an extra cartoony look. But the song blew ass, so much that i only watched 1/2 of the animation
Yo! I'm glad you liked the animation. It's a pity you didn’t like the tune though, I will be meeting Mick tonight for a few pints so I will break the bad news to him. Cheers for the feedback!
i like violence
tasteless violent gore! u got to love it
and i gotta love people like you!
kewl song
the animations sucked but i liked the song
i h8 storys that build up that have no climax
So Empty
Art Institute of Seattle
Seattle, WA
Joined on 6/29/04